Category: Space Exploration
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Space Exploration
Is there life on other planets? That’s a question that has intrigued mankind ever since we discovered that the earth is round, that the earth revolves around the sun, and that each star we see in the night sky is actually a sun with planets revolving around it just like our solar system. What’s more interesting is that there is an innumerable number of solar systems in the universe.
Space Exploration
This article is assuming that the Mars Mission will be a success, but who knows if it will be the next tower of Babylon? Elon Musk, as well as NASA, has ambitious plans to put millions of humans on Mars. If the plan succeeds, atheists and opponents of religion in general may have a field day.
Space Exploration
Although many religious group claim that their faith is backed by reason, religion and science do not seem to mix well. Nevertheless, religion have survived even the “deadliest” scientific developments such as the shape of the earth and its relation to the heavenly bodies.