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Putin Bears a Striking Similarity to Adolf Hitler

There will be no winner in the Russia/Ukraine war, regardless of the outcome. This war is a catastrophe of monumental proportions which is unfortunately being facilitated and cheered on by world powers which could easily put an end to it. Putin has portrayed himself to be a heartless criminal on par with the likes of Adolph Hitler. What’s ironic is that Russia had played an instrumental role in helping to defeat Hitler during World War 11.


Zelensky Might Have Committed Human Rights Abuses In Ukraine

According to a Human Rights Expert, Volodymyr Zelensky, embattled President of Ukraine, may have committed Human Rights abuses on the citizens of Ukraine when he closed the border to all “fighting age” men. Zelensky basically forced men and boys between the ages of 18 to 60 to stay in the country and face the Russian assault whether they liked it or not. And this, aside from being immoral, may constitute serious Human Rights abuses.