Video: Woman Stoned to Death in Afghanistan
Published: 17th of January, 2023
Last updated: January 17, 2023 at 11:23 amA disturbing video (posted below), has been sent in to this publication by a resident of Afghanistan. It shows a woman being stoned to death by an Islamic group. According to our correspondents in Afghanistan, the group stoning the woman to death is the Taliban which has taken control of Afghanistan following Biden’s US pullout.
So what is her crime? It is reported that in some Muslim countries, if a married woman has sex with someone other than her husband, it is a crime punishable with death. And, it is also reported that some Muslim countries still practice stoning to death as a punishment for women who commit adultery. However, according to our correspondents in Afghanistan who sent in this video, this woman’s crime was not adultery. It was simply shouting anti-Taliban slogans.
And that’s how serious the situation is in Afghanistan! Stone age laws and punishment are still being applied! Who knows what else is happening? We are told that this is a just a glimpse. Usually, they are not allowed to record and send out videos, but this video was leaked to us. We are told that the humanitarian situation is very bad in Afghanistan. Please share this video to raise awareness so that hopefully help will reach the people of Afghanistan. They need all the help they can get. If you can help the people of Afghanistan to migrate out of there safely, please do.